Here he is... Braddock Bear, aka Bearcat, aka my "vewy best fwend"!
Today is his 1st birthday! I want to show you his party,
but first my Grandma Carrie is dying for me to back up a couple months...
Here's my "Chasers-Cousin", that's what I call him!
I get to see him about every month and we are becoming Best Buddies.
We really like to hang with Papa and his toys!
We also both like to cuddle with our specials...
Mine is "Beary Bear" (Beawy-Beaw)
My Beary is never far from me!
Mommy says B Bear's motto is "I gotta go!"
He's always, always, ALWAYS on the go....
crawling for reals at 7 months,
standing on his own at 8 months,
climbing stairs at 10 months,
and now he's walking at 12!
Oh yeah, and he talks a bunch, too!
I believe he thinks he almost has me on this one...
This is my Auntie Polly.
She loves me very much.
(probably my brother, too, but I think I'm her favorite!)
I call her "beawtwiful" cause she is!
Here we are in September visiting a pumpkin patch!
Do you see Mommy's little pumpkin?
Do you see Mommy's little pumpkin?
Last year at this time he looked like a pumpkin- just INSIDE her body!
We're not smiling, but we're actually both looking: BIG DEAL!
Another big deal is I got to ride on a real live tractor!
For Halloween, my brother kinda didn't get it yet...
But, I sure did...
the faster you pedal, the more houses you hit!
Good thing I had these cute jammies,
when a little smirk isn't enough to get one (a treat, that is!).
My brother and I especially LOVE bathtime!
We splash, we swim, we sing, we giggle, we dump water on one another,
I learned about this sweet new deal called Hot Cocoa!
I mean seriously, have you guys tried this stuff?
Bummer is that my Mom says that the only place
in the world that carries it is Gramma's house!
Christmas was a blast!
I got to be with ALL my cousins,
and found out that one more is on the way!
She is sunshine to each Musilli- we yuv her yots!
We smiled for the photoshoot she was at no problem.
Can you believe my Auntie Camille made all those cakes for our Monkey Boy?